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The aim of the Science department is to develop, maintain and stimulate students' curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Science and all its disciplines. We feel that if we can achieve this, then students may begin to develop an understanding of Science in its widest context and to see how it relates to themselves outside school.

The Science department is staffed by teachers who are all fully qualified to teach science and are experts in their field. As well as teaching the traditional values encompassed in science we also teach its practical uses and the members of the department are forward-looking and innovative.

Head of the Science Faculty Miss E Brennan
Head of Biology Miss N Edwards
Head of Chemistry Mrs R Lindall
Head of Physics Mrs S Popovic-Kovacevic
Teacher of Science Mrs D Blakey 
Teacher of Science Mr V Kuok
Teacher of Science/Head of Year Mr E Tomlinson
Teacher of Science Mr G Yapp
Science Technician Mrs E Forrest


KS3 Science Learning Journey

Biology Learning Journey

Chemistry Learning Journey

Physics Learning Journey


Our Key Stage 3 course is centred on enquiry based and investigative work involving practical lessons, debate, group and individual research and ICT. This is supplemented by the Activate series of textbooks that cover the whole of the National Curriculum Framework for Science at Key Stage 3. There are a number of activities, including the use of ICT, practical and investigational work, which are included to provide a comprehensive curriculum. All students will be supplied with a ‘Kerboodle’ login to allow them to complete online homework and assessments

In Years 7 and 8, the year groups are taught in half-years, with the groups being mixed ability within each half. The curriculum for Key Stage 3 is a spiral curriculum, with some topics being re-visited in subsequent years but being studied to a greater depth each time. Students are assessed at the end of each topic. Year 7 and 8 students will be given an outcome of 'Working Towards', 'On-target' or 'Exceeding Target'. 

Year 7 Science Curriculum Plan Autumn TermYear 7 Science Curriculum Plan Spring TermYear 7 Science Curriculum Plan Summer Term

Year 8 Science Curriculum Plan Autumn TermYear 8 Science Curriculum Plan Spring TermYear 8 Science Curriculum Plan Summer Term

Year 9 Science Curriculum Plan Autumn TermYear 9 Science Curriculum Plan Spring TermYear 9 Science Curriculum Plan Summer Term


In Year 9 in the Autumn Term students will complete the last two Key Stage 3 modules before moving onto GCSE work in November. At this stage all students are following the same GCSE route.

The GCSE curriculum used in Years 9, 10 and 11 is either AQA combined science (trilogy) worth two GCSE grades or AQA separate sciences; GCSE Biology, GCSE Physics and GCSE Chemistry.

All students, regardless of route, will be taught separate sciences by subject specialist teachers.

The combined science course is assessed by 6 terminal exams in the summer of Year 11 each lasting I hour 15 minutes. There will be two papers in Biology, two in Chemistry and two in Physics. The separate science route will also be assessed in 6 terminal papers, two in each subject, each lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Throughout the course there are regular end of topic assessments, and mock exams and the end of Year 10 and each term in Year 11. Through this we will track and monitor the students to ensure they are following the course and level that will allow them to achieve their highest grades.

Curriculum Plan Biology - Year 10 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Biology - Year 10 Spring Term and Summer Term Curriculum Plan Biology - Year 10 Summer Term

Curriculum Plan Physics - Year 10 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Physics - Year 10 Spring TermCurriculum Plan Physics - Year 10 Summer Term

Curriculum Plan Chemistry - Year 10 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Chemistry - Year 10 Spring TermCurriculum Plan Chemistry - Year 10 Summer Term

Curriculum Plan Biology - Year 11 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Biology - Year 11 Spring TermCurriculum Plan Biology - Year 11 Summer Term

Curriculum Plan Physics - Year 11 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Physics - Year 11 Spring TermCurriculum Plan Physics - Year 11 Summer Term

Curriculum Plan Chemistry  - Year 11 Autumn TermCurriculum Plan Chemistry - Year 11 Spring Term


Useful Links and Resources

Students in Year 12 and 13 are supplied with their own text books. We do have a number of revision guides that can be lent to our Year 11 students. If parents wish to purchase their own copies please ask your child’s science teacher which is the most appropriate one to get.


How are students set in science?

Years 7 and 8 are taught in half-year groups in a combination of mixed ability groups. Since this move away from setting across the board, we have achieved some of our highest results and can report increased motivation within lessons.

Can students move or work their way up to a higher set?

Students can move between sets based on test results and continuous teacher assessment.

How do you cater for Most Able students?

We offer extension material in each class and students have the opportunity to take part in enrichment activities, extra curricular clubs and field trips.

What different options are there in GCSE Science?

In Years 9 and 10  students follow either combined or separate science routes. We also offer an entry level science certificate, leading to the combined science GCSE. Students will be placed into sets during KS4. The top set will follow the separate science route. Then the next two sets will follow the AQA Trilogy higher tier course and sit the higher level exams. All other students will follow the Trilogy foundation route and sit the foundation exams at the end of Year 11.

Can students move between routes?

Yes, at several points we can move students in Years 10 and 11.

How are students assessed in Years 10 and 11?

For students currently in Year 9 and moving into Year 10, assessments will take the form of regular end of topic tests across all 3 sciences. Students will sit terminal external exams at the end of Year 11. The combined science course is assessed by 6 terminal exams in the summer of Year 11 each lasting I hour 15 minutes. There will be two papers in Biology, two in Chemistry and two in Physics. The separate science route will also be assessed in 6 terminal papers, two in each subject, each lasting 1 hour and 45 minutes.

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