Local Governing Body

What is a Governor?

The Governors are a group of people who form part of the leadership of the school.

Although not employed or based at the school, Governors play a key role in the monitoring, development and management of the school. Governors get involved in all aspects of school life – such as:

  • Finance
  • Recruitment
  • The curriculum
  • Pastoral matters
  • The school buildings and facilities

Governors receive special training to ensure that they can be effective in their role. Governors are known collectively as “The Governing Body” of the school. There are people representing different groups such as parents, teachers and members of the local community.

Governors are normally elected or appointed for a period of 4 years, although Governing Bodies can set a shorter term of office for one or more categories of Governor.

What Governors Do?

The purpose of having a Governing Body is:

  • Strategic - to help the school to set high standards by planning for the school's future and setting targets for school improvement;
  • to support and challenge the school in maintaining focus on school improvement;
  • to be a critical friend to the school, offering the school its support and advice;
  • accountable - to help the school to be responsive to the needs of parents and the community and ensure the school is accountable to the public for what it does;
  • to work with the school on planning, developing and maintaining policies;
  • to exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the Headteacher and staff;
  • not to intervene in the day-to-day management of the school, unless there are weaknesses in the school, when they then have a duty to take action.

Types of Governor

There are 3 different types of Governor at The Highfield School.

However, all Governors have the same role and responsibilities, with the exception of staff Governors who do not participate in certain discussions, particularly related to personnel issues.

The types of Governor that we have at The Highfield School are:


A parent or carer with a child at the school. Once appointed, parent governors will normally complete their term of office even if their child is no longer at the school.


All teachers and non-teaching staff are eligible for election as Staff Governors by fellow members of staff.


Someone invited to join the Governing Body by existing governors. Generally, a member of the local community with specific knowledge and skills – for example, business, financial or legal - that will be very useful to Governors.

Governor Summary

Our Governors

The governing body provides strategic direction and oversight for The Highfield School by holding the headteacher to account for its educational performance, making sure its money is well spent and ensuring the clarity of its vision and ethos.

Duncan Painter

Duncan has two children who attend The Highfield School. He has worked in corporate organisations throughout his career across legal, commercial and leadership roles. As a governor Duncan is focused on supporting the school as a safe, friendly and successful place for young local people to get the best education to develop their personal abilities and without bias or prejudice.

Jack Gladas

Jack is a data analyst with experience in a variety of sectors. He is passionate about effective use of data to drive decision making, and his professional expertise ranges from technical number-crunching, to educating stakeholders to improve statistical literacy. Prior to his career in data, he worked as a teacher of mathematics in secondary schools in and around Cambridge. Moving to Letchworth in 2022 has given Jack the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of young people by applying his experience in a school governor role.

Philip Hobbs

Philip has been a teacher at The Highfield School since 2018 and has been working in education within Hertfordshire for over 20 years. He brings knowledge of the practical implementation of policies and allows a student facing viewpoint to be included in discussions. He is passionate about the education of young people and has also worked in Scouting in Hertfordshire for over 20 years in his leisure time. He lives in the local area and has one child at The Highfield School and one at a local primary school.  

Dan Nearney

Dan has been a Teacher in Hertfordshire and the local area for 22 years and is currently an Executive Headteacher for alternative provision. He brings knowledge of the needs within the local community and the support available to allow all students to reach their potential. Moving into Letchworth has given Dan the opportunity to support a local community school that shares his vision and values. Dan will support the school to ensure all students can meet the challenges in front of them to have a successful schooling and prosperous future. 

Derin Ovonlen

There is an adage that says, “it takes a whole village to raise a child”. Derin is quite taken by this proverb as it entrusts a sense of responsibility to every individual member of the community - hence the reason Derin is serving as a governor.  Derin received a legal education and has built a diversified skill set and experience ranging from supplier relationship management, negotiation, contract management, risk management, sustainable procurement, project management, policies, and change management. Derin's aim is to add value, serve, give back, support, help care for the wellbeing and success of the school in raising world class citizens. 

Traci Spires

Traci has been the Administrative Assistant in the Learning Development Department at the Highfield School since 2020 and is also proudly Head of Hawking House. Students like to ask her about her American accent and life in America as she lived and grew up in Oregon, United States. Traci also lived in Cape Town, South Africa with her South African husband and 3 children prior to moving to the UK. Her oldest child attends Highfield 6th Form. Traci enjoys spending any spare time she has with her family exploring the country. She also enjoys serving in her local church congregation as a children’s music leader. As a support staff at Highfield School, Traci would like to serve her school, colleagues and local community in supporting a productive and positive place for learning and working.

Paul Switzer

Paul has one child at The Highfield School. He has experience in Critical Incident Management, Risk Management, Leadership, Safeguarding, and Management of Human Resources. Having previously worked in the Public Sector, Paul is very familiar with the Nolan Principles and still uses these as his guiding principles. Paul does voluntary work assisting train Police Officers and Police Community Support officers in Hertfordshire. He coaches the U12 rugby team at Letchworth Rugby Club and his hobbies include cycling and Karate. 

Chris Wood

Chris is a qualified accountant and internal auditor, working in an assurance and leadership role in local government. He passionately promotes robust governance, risk management and control as a sound basis for effective service delivery. He lives locally and has one son attending primary school.

The Headteacher, Lucy Miles, also serves on the Governing Body.

Contacting The Governing Body

If you have a general question about the work of the Governing Body, please contact the Chair of Governors:

Duncan Painter: duncanpainter@highfield.herts.sch.uk

Joining the Governing Body

If you would like to express your interest in becoming a Governor in the future, please contact the Chair of Governors:

Duncan Painter: duncanpainter@highfield.herts.sch.uk

Clerk to the Governors

If you wish to contact the Clerk to the Governors please email: 

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