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Physical Education

Head of PE Mr R Kemp
Deputy Head of PE Mr M Stepien
Teacher Dance

Mr Golds

Teachers of PE

Mrs J Oughton

Miss N Little

Physical education develops pupils’ competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school.’ (Department for Education)

The Highfield PE Department offers a high quality physical education curriculum that enables all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. The department offer a wide range of opportunities for students to explore and refine skills into techniques and plan and reflect on the use of tactics and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When students are performing, we encourage them to think about what they are doing, analyse the situation enabling students to become reflective learners.

The Highfield PE curriculum helps to develop students' social skills and confidence. Students work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.

‘The PE department allow students to feel valued and respected, they are friendly, fair and support our learning needs’

(Year 9 student)

PE Learning Journey

KS3 and KS4 Core PE

The PE Department offers a broad and balanced Curriculum allowing our students to participate in a range of sporting activities. Here at The Highfield School, all students will have the opportunity to achieve success, and can monitor their own development and progression throughout their time here.

As a school and department we value the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle and encourage our students to attend our extra-curricular clubs. As part of the Highfield lesson in Physical Education, we ask our students to participate in fitness based warm-ups to develop personal fitness levels.

Year 7 PE Curriculum Map

Year 8 PE Curriculum Map

Year 9 PE Curriculum Map

KS4 Core PE Curriculum Map



GCSE Physical Education provides students with the knowledge and understanding of how to live a healthy and active lifestyle, enabling them to make informed choices about their own physical development. This specification is particularly suitable for students who wish to continue their studies in further education and for those who are interested in related career opportunities.


Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport.

Written exam 1 hour and 15 minutes, 78 marks, 30% of GCSE.

Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport.

Written exam 1 hour 15 minutes, 78 marks, 30% of GCSE.

How it's assessed:

Non Exam Assessment (NEA):

Assessed by teachers, moderated by AQA, 100 marks, 40% of GCSE.

OCR National Sport Studies

Contemporary issues in sport – Students explore a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, such as participation levels and barriers, promoting values and ethical behaviour, and how sport contributes to society as a whole beyond simply providing entertainment. (Written exam - 1 hour)

Developing sports skills - Students try out a range of sports-related skills and techniques including different practice methods for improving both their own performance in both individual and team sporting activities. (Centre-assessed tasks)

Sports Leadership - Students learn about some of the knowledge, understanding and practical skills required to be an effective sport leader. They put their knowledge into practice by planning and delivering safe and effective sporting activity sessions. (Centre-assessed tasks)

Sport and the media - Students explore the relationship between sports and the media: how sport uses the media to promote itself and the media uses sport to expand and maintain uptake of its products. (Centre-assessed tasks)

BTEC Dance (Edexcel)

The BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Performing Arts (Dance) offers an opportunity for students to experience a vocational course which explores different aspects of the performing arts industry. It provides a more practical based subject which will suit students who want a hands on approach. However there are theoretical elements throughout and three theory exams at the end of the two year course. By completing this course it will enable you to progress to a higher level qualification such as A Level Dance. 

The course provides opportunities for students to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for a successful performance in working life. Students will explore the performing arts industry and have lots of chances to perform. The course is equivalent to one GCSE and is recognised by employers and educational institutions. It is broken down into three components, two which are internally assessed and one which is externally assessed.


You will be assessed both through practical and written work. Performances will include working to camera, small invited audiences and a large open audience in the annual Evening of Dance. You will be expected to reflect on your work, which will involve discussion within small groups and with the teacher to camera. You will need to produce written evidence of your strengths and weaknesses and complete research into various topics.

GCSE PE Curriculum Maps:

GCSE PE Health and Fitness

GCSE PE Applied Anatomy and Phsiology
GCSE PE Movement Analysis

GCSE PE Physical Training

GCSE PE Practical

GCSE PE Socio-cultural

GCSE PE Sport Psychology


OCR Sports Studies Curriculum Maps:

Sports Studies Contemporary Unit-Examined

Sports Studies Perfromance and Leadership in Sport Activities-topics 1 and 2

Sports Studies Sport and the Media


A Level PE

A-level Physical Education qualifications allow students to play to their strengths and gain dynamic theoretical and practical skills for further education or work. This specification is particularly suitable for students who wish to continue their studies in further education and for those who are interested in related career opportunities.


Paper 1:
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport

Paper 2:
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport

What's assessed?

Section A: Applied anatomy and physiology and Exercise physiology and biomechanics
Section B: Skill acquisition and Sport psychology
Section CL Sport and society and Technology in Sport

How it's assessed

Written exam: 2 hours (x2), 105 marks, 35% of A Level

Non-exam assessment:
Practical performance in physical activity and sport

What's assessed?

Students assessed as a performer of coach in the full sided version of one activity

How it's assessed?

Internal assessment, external moderation, 90 marks, 30% of A Level


A-Level PE

Year 12 A-Level PE Curriculum Plan - Autumn Term
Year 12 A-Level PE Curriculum Plan - Spring Term
Year 12 A-Level PE Curriculum Plan - Summer Term

Year 13 A-Level PE Curriculum Plan - Autumn Term
Year 13 A-Level PE Curriculum Plan - Spring Term


BTEC Level 3

KS5 BTEC Level 3 Units 1-5


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