Health and Social Care
In today’s society many people are in need of care and support, and there are a number of different career opportunities at all levels and in a variety of fields including Residential Care, Social Work, Professions Allied to Medicine and Community Care.
Health and Social Care is one of the largest employment sectors in the UK and opportunities are buoyant. The course is for students who are interested in exploring these areas as potential career options or for those who just have an interest in health and social care and want to combine it with other subjects for a broad and balanced curriculum in the sixth form.
Head of Health and Social Care | Mr K White |
This BTEC qualification is equivalent to one A level and is aimed at learners who are interested in learning about the health and social care sector as part of a balanced study programme. The qualification supports access to a range of higher education courses, in health and social care disciplines.
The units studied are:
Human Lifespan development (assessed via exam)
Working in health and social care (assessed via exam)
Meeting individual care and support needs (coursework)
Physiological disorders and their care (coursework)
Exams make up 58% of the assessment. There are two exams, one in Year 12 and one in Year 13. You will also complete course work, writing two reports, one for each coursework unit. You will receive a Distinction*, Distinction, Merit or Pass level in each assignment. These grades convert into UCAS points for entry into University. The BTEC Health and Social Care, alongside A Levels is well regarded for entry into university.
Year 12 Health and Social Care Curriculum Map - Autumn
Year 12 Health and Social Care Curriculum Map - Spring
Year 12 Health and Social Care Curriculum Map - Summer
Year 13Health and Social Care Curriculum Map - Autumn
Useful Links and Resources
Where can I find out more?
Speak to Miss Cosgrove, room P101
What can I do after this course?
Many students go on to higher education at University following their BTEC in Health and Social Care. Previous students have gone on to degrees at University in Social Work, Teaching, Nursing, Midwifery, Art therapy and other related subjects such as biomedical sciences, sociology and psychology. Others have gained employment within the health and social sector upon leaving the sixth form. BTECs at Level 3 are well established as routes into higher education. A Distinction in a Level 3 BTEC is worth the same number of points (for university entry) as an A grade at A Level.
Which careers are explored as part of the course?
One of the units, ‘Working in Health and Social Care’ will explore the sector as a whole and give you a good understanding of what it might be like to work in it. You will gain an understanding of a range of career options within the sector. Some examples include
- Social work
- Paramedical science
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Occupational Therapy
- Residential care home management
- Youth, care or support work
- Teaching
- Art therapy